Body Vision is honored to welcome Dr. Yael Vin as our new Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Vin spent the majority of her career as a surgeon, formally trained in Interventional Radiology with a Master’s of Public Health. She also served as Assistant Professor of Surgery at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School. Hear firsthand how she plans to use her expertise in enabling minimally invasive therapy for lung cancer patients at Body Vision Medical.
Body Vision: What brought you to Body Vision Medical?
Dr. Yael Vin: I was intrigued by Body Vision’s efforts to address a longstanding clinical problem. Their unique approach has the potential to fundamentally change the way we practice interventional pulmonology. While the decision to leave clinical practice was not an easy one, the ability to impact so many patient lives appealed to both my clinical and public health interests. That’s why I’m here.
What is it about Body Vision’s approach to pulmonology that you find interesting?
Body vision addresses a fundamental problem early on in the patient journey. Improvements in obtaining a reliable tissue diagnosis as early as possible, from smaller lesions, can have a significant influence on patient survival. LungVision’s ability to provide visual tool-in-lesion confirmation with any C-arm will enable physicians to be confident about the biopsy tool location and will increase their diagnostic yield. We hope to not stop at that point, but rather to continue to support the lung cancer patient’s journey later by supporting localized minimally invasive therapy when applicable.
Can you expand on how you see Body Vision evolving to include minimally invasive therapy as part of its portfolio?
I see tremendous potential in evolving utilization of the real-time, intraoperative imaging technologies that Body Vision has developed from the diagnostic to the therapeutic realm. Obviously, the next evolution and focus of the company is to advance to local therapies via a minimally invasive approach. Many of the foundational pieces that Body Vision needs to make this leap already exist. Body Vision’s real-time, intraoperative imaging that accurately delivers tool-in-lesion confirmation is critical for confirming that you’re exactly where you need to be prior to delivering local therapy.
What does your extensive clinical experience bring to Body Vision?
As the resident clinician on the executive team, my first goal at Body Vision is to provide pulmonologists with the quality clinical data they need to practice evidence-based, cutting-edge medicine. We already have some strong clinical evidence for the efficacy of the Body Vision system at improving diagnostic clinical outcomes. I'll leverage my clinical experience to facilitate the publication of existing data, spearhead the design of new clinical studies and communicate these findings. We hope to be drivers of a fundamental change in practice that will include real-time tool-in-lesion confirmation as a fundamental part of procedures.
As a surgeon and interventional radiologist, I have experience with multiple ablation techniques and local therapies to treat cancer and I look forward to using this experience to help Body Vision expand into the therapeutic realm.