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Seeing is Believing

Body Vision Medical’s technology solves a significant challenge for pulmonary interventionalists. We give them the vision to see in the dark while they use a patient’s airways to navigate and biopsy a suspicious lesion deep in the human lung. 


Call it night vision. Call it X-ray vision.


We simply call it LungVision®.

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Our History

Body Vision Medical was founded in 2014 by engineers who developed and commercialized electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB) for a pioneering company in the field of interventional pulmonology called superDimension. 


ENB technology enhanced the success of biopsies in lung cancer diagnostics, but it shares many of the same challenges experienced by the next generation of navigation technologies, including robotics. These systems rely on virtual navigation based on pre-operative CT scans and suffer from CT-to-body divergence during biopsy. 


A Fresh Approach

Body Vision took a clean slate approach to develop LungVision®, an AI-powered, intraoperative imaging system that transforms X-ray images from any conventional 2D C-arm into real-time 3D imaging.


LungVision enables visual confirmation of tool-in-lesion during endobronchial biopsies, correcting for CT-to-body divergence and empowering bronchoscopists to biopsy from smaller, more difficult-to-access lung lesions. Lung cancer diagnosis at an earlier stage improves the odds for survival.

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